Two Missouri cities rank cheapest places to live in Midwest: Study

MISSOURI – Two cities in Missouri ranked among 10 other towns as the cheapest places to live in the Midwest based on cost-of-living data.

The study used compared the median household income in each city to its cost of living. Springfield and Joplin, Missouri, were ranked among the top 10 cheapest places to live in the Midwest.

Joplin, Missouri ranked tenth while Springfield, Missouri came in as the seventh cheapest.

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The data used a cost-of-living index of 100 representing the nationwide average and the lower the score a city has the lower its cost-of-living is.

The list noted it was only based on the cost-of-living index and not overall affordability. Decatur, Illinois topped the list with a 78.8 ranking.

The study also included data on the most affordable cities that offer high-paying salaries and low cost-of-living.

Joliet, Illinois topped the list as most affordable in the Midwest and was noted for having a $68,662 cost-of-living estimate with a $84,971 median household income.

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